Location Services
With some of the most experienced & highly skilled operators in Australia, we offer peace of mind when you are digging or drilling underground.
Depending on the size of the job, we offer to source the relevent documentation before we even get on site, to ensure we cover all possible buried assets obtrusive to your area of works. Our operators have industry cards, ASIC, MSIC & various other accreditations.
Drain Inspection Camera
Our operators are highly skilled in each of their areas of expertise, including drain inspection cameras.
If you are having any issues with your drainage or sewer, electrical conduits an insection camera can be sent into the pipe to show evidence of the condition of the service. After all seeing is believing. We also offer to leave you with the footage on either USB, DVD or YouTube link.
Non-Destructive Digging (NDD)
A popular method of asset locations is NDD, we offer this service at a quoted & hourly rate.
NDD is the process of excavating an area using high pressure water, this technology works by "washing" the spoil & is vacuumed from around the assets, while not damaging the services, it's even safe for optic fibre.
The waste, if removed from site can incur an extra cost, ensuring you have no mess to clean up.
Lead by Neil Archibald, ARCHIBALD'S LEAK DETECTION SERVICES PL is a dynamic & diverse services & fault diagnostic consultancy. Specialising in asset locations (with & without CAD drawings) & N.D.D (Non-Destructive Digging).
CAD Drawings
In conjunction to asset locations, we also offer a service to produce relevent drawings of the area you wish assets identified. We can even give you GPS co-ordinates, to ensure you always have the most coverage.